Weight Loss Programmes
Discover how hypnotherapy and coaching can help you
to lose weight and stay focused on your weight loss goals
Do you need a little help when it comes to knowing what to eat, how much to eat and how to stay healthy and at your desired weight?
In today’s world of plenty it’s difficult to make the right food choices and to stay on track when you’re trying to lose weight. Our lives are busy and hectic and don’t always leave time for cooking from scratch. The food labels on convenience food are confusing and don’t always make for easy understanding.
Do you make everything better after a bad day with sugary treats? And when we want to reward ourselves with a great night out, well that brings its own set of challenges.
It’s important to develop the right mind-set and behaviours towards our food. Recognising how to balance treats with healthy food and developing our willpower to build a healthy approach which you can sustain, whatever the circumstances.
My 10 week weight loss and healthy eating programme will provide you with the background knowledge and information to make the right choices. We’ll also use hypnotherapy and NLP to strengthen your resolve and help you create new behaviours and attitudes towards the food you eat. And over the course of the 10 weeks start to support you to ‘think slim & be slim’
The programme involves 6 face to face consultations over a 10 week period
How we will work together:
When working with clients who want to lose weight we agree initially whether the client wants to monitor their weight and measurement at each session – this is a personal choice for each person. Over the course of the sessions we will:
Complete a food diary
Identify ‘quick wins’ in terms of changing food habits
Learn self-hypnosis techniques to help change and maintain a new healthy mindset
Create positive ‘affirmations’ to use as a self-support on a daily basis
Record specific hypnotherapy sessions to listen to between sessions
“Knowing what to eat is half the story. Developing the right mind-set and attitude creates the difference between success, sustainability and failure.”
17 Park Road, Yapton, Arundel, West Sussex BN18 0JE, UK